Transport yourself to another time and place – a haunted mansion where ghosts rule the household, objects live their own lives, and nothing is what it seems. "Startle Scare" Window, Hollusion (0:17)."Rise of the Wraiths" Window, Hollusion (0:53)."Face of Death" Window, Hollusion (0:27)."Unholy Hovering" Window, Hollusion (0:45).Thrill your Halloween visitors with one wraith or a legion drifting menacingly into view, or evoke sheer terror with a giant, disembodied flaming skull! Perfect for Halloween or any scary event, this decoration packs in the scares when projected onto windows, walls, or Hollusion Material, but can even send a chill down your spine when played on a TV/Monitor thanks to the special Possessed TV option.

On the hunt for lost souls, this terrifying wraith would be scary enough by itself, but this angry specter does not travel alone.